Tuesday, May 4, 2010


The daughter left this morning for Connecticul with a stop today in Springfield MA for a meeting. She had to work until 11:00 PM last night so I expected a call from her aboout 11:30, just to bounce things off of me to make sure she wasn't forgetting to pack anything. She will be back on Thursday night for two days and then back to CT for five days and this back and forth will go on for 4 weeks or longer if needed. She have her booked in a nice hotel in CT. The company is paying mileage, per diem and the hotel and a little bit of an increase in her pay because the position is higher than the one she is in now. She asked me to call her at 6:15 AM to be sure she was awake. Naturally I could not get to sleep, my mind was racing and then the alarm went off at 6:15. I called her and as long as I was wide awake I told her I would shower real quick and run over to her place to say good bye. I got there about 7:30 after of course a quick stop at *bucks. She left at 8:15 to meet up with three other girls who were going to the same meeting. I am nervous as a mother and excited for her at this new adventure so my amotions are crazy. My cousin and his wife live very close to where the daugher is going to be working so she has their phone number and e mail address just in case. They have also offered for her to stay with them at any time during this whole process.
Our contractor is at the house this morning doing a couple of small prjects and getting the informaiton he needs to give us an estimate on a couple of bigger projects. We used him about three years ago to gut out our full bath upstairs and remodel it. He was maticulous and took a lot longer than we expected because of this. Today he will be installing a new light over the dinning room table and a new ceilling light in the front foyer. Then he will be looking at the kitchen. We want to remove the ughly drop ceiling that I have been living with since we moved there 23 years ago and taking the soffits out on top of the kitchen cabinets. Hanging drop lights over the sink and over the island. We are getting new counter tops and new hinges for the cabinets. When we moved here the cabinets were a dark color and I wanted white. The cabinets were a better made cabinet so we didn't want to replace them so we painted them and they look great but they have the old fashion hinges and we want to put in the sleeker looking European hinges. We have an old run down looking back porch that was actually enclosed when we moved here. We took the enclosure off to revele the old fashion railing and posts. We have lived with it like that for 23 years and now we are ready to tear it down and build a new one. With the long term idea that eventually we will close it in and and are planning to put the washer and dryer in the enclosed porch therefore elminating the need to go up and down two flights of stairs to accomplish a load of laundry. I think the newer homes with the laundry room on the second floor where the bedrooms are is a wonderful idea. After all where is all are all of your dirty clothes found. I would love to have my laundry there but eliminating one flight of stairs is going to be great.
I was just getting ready to leave work when the storm clouds came over. I got home just in time to get the windows closed. It was quite a storm with a lot of wind, wires down and trees broken, We lost power for about three hours. The husband had gone with our contractor to the daughter's condo, there was a couple of things that needed to be addressed there so we asked the contractor to do it while he was here. The new lights are hung and he has the information he needs to give us an estimate for the work in the kitchen.
The daughter made it Connecticut tonight about 7, checked into her room and was going to check out the mall where she will be working. Her company did good. A nice room in the Hyatt with a little kitchen area and a sitting area. I am a little more relieved.

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