Well, it was very Hazy, Hot and Humid this weekend. Much too soon for me. I hate the Big H's and I certainly am not acclimated yet for this. We had to turn on the AC in the house last night just to take off that humid feeling and make it easier to get to sleep. I took a nice cool shower before getting into bed and lay there under the ceiling fan falling asleep like that.
We had to water the lawn yesterday, so this tells me that our rain total for this Spring is not what it normally is. the lawn looks so lush and green and it won't stay like that without water.
On Saturday we went to the Brick Yard (a place where they sell all kinds of bricks, pavers and materials for decorative walls). We had gotten some bricks to use as a border for our flower gardens and we wanted to make another garden in the back yard along the fence that hides the garbage cans, but we ran out of the bricks. We got there and discovered they don't carry those bricks anymore. BUT!!! If we wanted to drive way out back in the "bricks that are dejected" area, they may have left over getting read to go to be crushed into stone. We did drive out back and there was about a quarter of a pallet left so the guy gave us as many as we wanted for $10 we got way more than we needed so now I have some extra in case another flower garden pops up somewhere. As a matter of fact we used them to border the new sensitive clematis that we planted by the fence that borders our yard from the neighbors. I didn't want the husband to mow over these little babies. At the brick yard I saw this most beautiful piece of what I would call concrete art. It was made out of concrete but looked just like a wicker basket, a big wicker basket. So my husband got it for me and we had all we could do to pick it up and put it in the car. I filled in on Sunday with an assortment of flowers and we placed in the one of the flower beds in the front yard. It is so cute. As soon as the flowers bloom I am going to post a picture.
I love the game of Scrabble and so does my neighbor. She is widowed and retired but four kids and and 10 grandchildren keep her busy. Plus her son owns a deli and pizza place so she helps out there. I may have mentioned this before and that is something I have to learn how to do. How to remember what I have posted her so I don't sound like a blubbering idiot repeating myself. So, anyway she loves Scrabble too so we try to get a game in as much as we can. We actually played three games during the course of the day yesterday between everything we were trying to accomplish on a hot Sunday. I beat her two games our of three. We keep a notebook with all of our games scores and every time we fill a notebook we tally the wins and loses for each of us and it never fails but in the ends we are always about equal.
The daughter is leaving fort Connecticut on Tuesday morning with a stopover first in Springfield, Massachusetts for a meeting. She will be working there for four weeks or more doing what they call a "stretch" assignment. The person who has that position is on maternity leave with a chance that she will not be coming back. So along with the fact that she is doing a "stretch", which means she keeps her position and goes to another location and does a job which is level up from her current job so the company can see how she does and uses that when it comes time for promotion. She will have to do a number of these before she gets promoted. However, if she does well in the position and the person who is on maternity leave decides not to come back and they like her there, she may get offered the job permanently. This is not the first time she has ever travelled alone, but it is the first time she has travelled to a location and stayed in a hotel by herself. She will be there until Thursday night and come home for two days and then back again. They will try to give her two days off in a row so she can come home.
Yesterday I went to her house and helped her prepare for a four week stay away. she has a cat so my husband and I will try to visit with the cat everyday. She has a good friend who is a neighbor of hers so she will probably also help with the cat. We cleaned out her refrigerator and made sure that all of the food that was in the cupboards were not open and ready to call all kinds of little insects to come and enjoy while daughter is away. She did all of her laundry so it would be easier to decide on what to pack, she cleaned her bathroom and vacuumed the house. It is always nice to come home from a stay away to a nice clean organized house. I am going to miss her and worry the whole time, but this is so good for her and her career. She never went out of town for college so this is the first she will have ever been away for a long period of time and if she gets the job and wants to move there, oh my, it is hard for me to comprehend. So is a little stressed and has a tendency to have a little bit of anxiety so I expect some text messages she will be bouncing off of me before she actually gets there and starts work. Her first day is Wednesday and then I am sure she will be fine.
The humidity stayed in place today until about 1:00 PM when it poured rain. We spent the evening in the back and front yard, mowing and trimming and the breeze felt so good. It reminded me of when I was little and we would spend the day at one of the many lakes located in our area or at some one's pool all day. It would be humid and hot and the water was so refreshing, then a storm would brew in the late afternoon, we would take cover and then the cool air would come and our skin would be so warm from being in the sun all day and the air would be so cool and the sweatshirts we would then have to put on in order to stay outdoors would feel so good.
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