Monday, May 24, 2010


Sunny with temperatures warming into the low to middle 80s. Winds light and variable.

I told everyone at work I was going to take Mon, Tue, Wed off this week for the death of my cousin's husband. I am hosting out of town family tonight and tomorrow night and I felt I needed to have the time off. They were just ok with it. So yesterday I tried to rush around and get everything done with the hope that I could go into work this morning for my regular 8-1 shift. But last night when I went to bed I didn't feel like I was done. So this morning when I got up I decided to stay home anyway. I got up early and the first thing on my agenda was to get the guest room freshened up. Changed the sheets on the bed and put on a new quilt.

When I first married my husband his mother and grandmother introduced me to homemade quilts that were had tied. I have made a few of them over the years but nothing compared to the ones that my mother in law has made. I have them on all of my bed and they may not looked at put together as the comforter sets you see in catalogs but they are very beautiful. Besides were are not loves the the comforter. there is nothing like a cotton quilt for warmth and comfort. I made one for my parents a long time ago and after my father died I took it home when we finally broke up his apartment. It was the only blanket he had in his apartment. It needs a bit of repair right now but I am going to make it a point to fix it and use for a long time. My mother in law made my daughter a pink one that was different colors and patters of pink calico. I was able to match the calico to fabric for cafe style curtains for her bedroom. I still have that one. When my mother in law broke up her house she gave my daughter one that has Christmas colors throughout. So many of them have such memories. My daughter even had one for her American Girl doll that my mother in law made in a miniature version.

The third bedroom in our house no one uses either but the cats have sort of taken that room over as theirs so I wanted to wash the quilt on that bed. I don't think I am going to need that room but I wanted it to be free of cat hairs on the bed. The bathroom was just cleaned the other day by my cleaning lady so that was ok.

I had three baskets of laundry to put away. And sometimes I am a little lax when it comes to getting the laundry put away. It may sit on the settee in the bedroom for a day or two before I get to it. so I put all the laundry away. I got dressed and puttered around downstairs a little.

I got in the car and drove to get myself and ice coffee and then a quick trip to Walmart. I needed a couple of things in the health and beauty area.

Also, my cousins who is coming from Florida for this funeral, her mother is buried in the same cemetery that we are gong to be going for the burial. I promised her I would take care of placing some flowers on the grave site for Memorial Day and since we are going to be in the cemetery tomorrow I thought it would be nice to have the flowers there already in case she happens to wander over to her mother's grave. So I did that this morning. I also stopped by the husband's office and grabbed him ad took him to the men's clothing store where he shops. We are going to a military retirement ceremony and dinner at the officer's club for the Colonel I use to work for. This is on Thursday and he needed a new dress shirt. So we did that.

Then I stopped by my cousin's to drop off a change of clothes for me for tonight. I am wearing a dress to the wake and when get to her house after the wake I am going to change in to cotton pants and a top because it is going to be hot and I am going to be serving food. I want to be comfortable.

Then I went to the market again to get somethings I thought I might need for my guests. Some fresh bread from the bakery for breakfast, some fresh fruit etc.

Then I finally went home. I will be leaving for the wake about 3:30.

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