Tuesday, May 25, 2010


It was very hot today and somewhat humid, high about 85 degrees.

It certainly seemed a lot warmer than 85 degrees outside around the pool today trying to get all of the guests fed who arrived after the funeral.

I got to my cousin's house about 10:30 and my helpers arrived shortly after. Everyone was due to arrive at 12:00 noon. So we got all of the food ready to be brought out to the pool and waited. My brother called at about noon and said that my cousin had requested that the funeral procession go by their house on their way from the church to the cemetery. So we all waited outside to see them go by and waived to Dom on his way by his house for the last time.

I got home about 3:30, and I was exhausted and very hot.

My daughter leaves tomorrow for CT again. She talked to the District Manager from CT on Monday by phone and everyone was in agreement that my daughter was not ready to take the promotion. The DM was going to offer her another position in CT but my daughter wasn't interested in that position. So they all agreed that she will go back to her old job on June 7th.

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