Saturday, May 22, 2010


This was the rhododendron this morning. It is just about in full bloom one whole week ahead of schedule.

Today's high was about 81 with a hazy sun. A little bit of humidity.

I love Saturday mornings. We usually get out of the house early and do whatever errands we need to do. The area we live is getting really heavily populated so going anywhere on the weekends usually involves a bit of traffic. I am not saying that it is any ting like California, Washington DC or NYC I might just be saying my own way that we are getting old and don't have patience with traffic.

- I got up at 6 which is early for me on the weekend. During the work week the earliest I get up is 6:30. My husband is usually up by 5:15 and off to work by 6:00. Even on the weekends he is up early. I beat him this morning. I think a lot had to do with the fact that it was humid in the house and I kept waking up feeling sweaty, falling back to sleep with no covers and waking up cold.

- Our first stop was a local bakery/coffee shop, not a the chain type like Dunkin Donuts, but a family owned and operated bakery/coffee shop. Coffee and an egg and cheese sandwich.

- Then we went to Lowe's where I had to get a new lamp shade for the swing arm lamp on the front porch and a motion sensitive wall light for the back porch.

- Then we went home and installed the lamp on the back porch and put the new shade on the lamp on the front porch.

- Then we took a ride to our favorite garden shop. Or I should say one of our favorite garden shops. All of the garden shops in our area I love. This particular shop is owned by a couple who's wife my husband worked with at one time. We bought a hanging basket to hang on one of pillars outside the front porch. I will try to post a picture tomorrow.

- Then we stopped at the grocery store and got a fresh container of cut up fruit for out lunch with a container of cottage cheese. One of my favorite summertime lunches, fruit and cottage cheese.

- We came home and had some lunch and then jumped back in the car to run and feed my daughter's cat.

- Dinner tonight was pizza.

- In between all this I had my baby fix running next door to hold and cuddle my neighbors granddaughter's new baby. She is a bit fussy so every once in a while when grandma and granddaughter get tired of waling with her I take over. They are having a difficult time finding a formula that agrees with her. Now she is going on soy based formula.

- I talked to the daughter from CT. She is only scheduled from 6 am to 11 am tomorrow so she may be on her way home quite early tomorrow and we may see her for dinner. She does not have to return to CT until 1:00 PM on Wednesday. So she will be able to attend the wake and funeral with me and even help with the food. We talked for quite a while on the phone. As a mater of fact she had her first experience in an IKEA store and we talked while she browsed. Every once in a while she would say, oh wow wish I had one of those. We talked about IF SHE GETS OFFERED THE JOB. She doesn't think she is going to take it. She has only been in the store she works in here at home for less than a year. she is just getting that position up to her standards. She has only been living in the condo she bought for two years and there is so much she wants to do to it before she has to sell it and she is just getting ahead financially. A move would set her back financially. Even though the company will be offering a moving package, there are always unforeseen expenses when you make a move.

Tomorrow I will get the ingredients I will need to make the food I am bringing to my cousins for after the wake. Chicken breasts and chicken legs and thighs roasted in the oven and a large pan of roasted potatoes.

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