Thursday, March 1, 2012


It finally snowed!!!! The bad thing is that it snowed, the good thing is that it is March and this pile of snow is not going to stick around very long. The bird feeder has so much snow on the roof that the shepard's hook is bending.
I had two invites today to go out. One with my daughter and one with a good friend that I consider my second daughter. I don't know who will want to venture out in the snow first.
I got called from my old job yesterday. They call occassionally to ask me to fill in for a sick person or to help out with my old job. I worked from 1-4:30.
The snow is fally in large flakes right now, really beautiful. It is also sticking nicely to the trees and bushes. I guess it is nice to have things looking white instead of the ugly brown for a while.

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