Sunday, March 11, 2012


It got to almost 60 degrees today but it felt a lot warmer. The sky was clear all day and so blue not a cloud in the sky.
We washed all the windows in the back room today. The room faces due south so you can really see how dirty they are at this time of the year when the sun is so bright. We took the screens off the windows and washed them with soapy water and a brush and even hooked the hose up. I can't believe it is only March 11th.
The wandering jew plant hanging in the windows in the back room really had a rough winter. Not that it was too cold because that room was a lot warmer than we thought it would be we we completed the additional last year. I think that room is probably better insulated then the rest of the house. The plant just didn't get water consistently enough and I think it just got too big. There were no leaves on the top and I think it was just to heavy to support itself. I gave it a good haircut and maybe it will come back but in the meantime I went to HD to get just a small hanging ivy. That will do until the weather gets warmer and there are more house plants in the garden centers, because there was not much to pick from in HD.

TREADCLIMBER UPDATE: We got the new treadclimber on Friday March 2. I got on it on Friday night and could not eve do one minute. On Saturday I tried again and again not one minute but that was with trying to work the timer. I forced myself to do two minutes on Sunday with a lot of huffing and puffing. I did two minutes every night this week and today I got on and was able to do three minutes with a 50% reduction in the huffing and puffing. I am a little more encouraged by this progress. I will do three minutes all week and see what happens on Sunday next week.

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