The weather here has been awesome. Very warm for this time of the year. Today will be a bit nippy, only around 30. The house across the street from us has Daffodils coming up already. I have never been able to plant any kind of Spring flower in my front gardens. My house faces due north. The sun never gets around far enough to hit the front of the house until right at June 21st and then it is time for it to start going back to it's winter position. I think the farthest right side of my house in the fron tnever sees the sun. I don't complain in the summer though when it is always shady on the front porch.
Yesterday I baked Banana Nut Bread and Boston Brown Bread. I can say that the Boston Brown Bread certainly comes out better baked int he coffee can like my mother use to do it. However we have gone from coffee cans to coffee sold in bags to single serve pods, no coffee cans found in this house. I don't think there even any left in my husbands shed, especially since most of the jun in the old garage was demolished and put in a dumpster with the falling down garage. Now the new shed doesn't have any junk in it
So anyway my four best friends are getting together for the birthday of one of them. She specifically asked for no gifts, I hate it when people do that. I got some beautiful gifts from them when it was my birthday. I know her and her husband enjoy my homemade breads so I baked the banana and brown bread for her.
I never ever dream about my parents, who have both passed. My dream last night included both of them. The dream itself was very vague, all I know is that they were both in it. A little upsetting for me, what are they trying to tell me
W got a B0flex Treadclimber. A very small piece of workout equipment. It is self propelled, not electric. Two seperate treadmills, one for each foot and as you are walking the individual treadmills go up and down to mimic stair climbing. It was very difficult for me to at first. My brain could not wrap itself around the motion. I finally got it after a couple of days of just practicing. Yesterday I did an entire two minutes. The directions said to start out at 5 minutes, I am that much more behind the curve. I will try to do three today, if not I will stick to two minutes for a couple of days.
Today I am going to try to be better about my sugar/carb intake.
A bowl of oatmeal with a few raisins for breakfast.