These are my two lazy good for nothing cats basking in the sun. Buddy on the left and Bella on the right. Or Belly and Budda.
A beautiful sunny day today but a bit cool. They are calling for snow tomorrow into Thursday but I will believe it when I see it.
I think I need to get a job. I never though I would be saying those words. The entire time from age 15 until age 55 I have been saying I can't wait to retire. Now I am retired.
Teenage years..........I don't want to work I want to be able to hang with my friends.
Twenty's........I don't want to work I want to stay out late and sleep late.
Thirty's........I don't want to work I want to be a stay at home mom.
Forty's.........I don't want to work I want to be home when my child gets home from school.
Fifty's.........I don't have time to work I am taking care of a family and two sick parents and emptying the home I grew up in after my mother died........emptying out my father's smaller apartment when he died and then emptying out my brother's apartment and taking care of his estate after he died.
I didn't have time to work all those years but I did and I don't know how I did it. Now I have time to work and I am retired...........there is something wrong with this picture. Now I am not a teenager, a young adult, a mother to an infant, a mother to a teenager, a care giver to sick parents and a brother. I am a person with a lot of time on my hands. I want a job where I can get up early and get to work by for about four hours and be home by noon. I reason to get up and dressed in the morning, Where does one find a job like that.
Also, I have always been employed in a job that was "a good choice"; a job with good benefits, a job where I could work only when my daughter was in school; a job in a nursing home where my father was a resident. Now I want a job that I love and have fun at. Since money is not an issue this should be easy......right?
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