A rainy day today. There were even some sleet falling from the sky. Some of the mountain areas will get snow tonight including a good amount of snow in Lake Placid, NY.
Day off today, I had to accompany my brother to the hospital today for an out patient procedure. We were in and out in less than two hours. It was early enough so we grab some breakfast when we left the hospital. After I took him home I took a quick trip to the mall where the daughter works, stopped by to see her and went to my favorite store, Bath and Body Works. I picked up some coconut scented body lotion and a couple of my favorite B. O. Bigelow lip gloss. Went and had my nails manicured.
When my husband and I bought the house we live in now about 23 years ago it was evident that we would love our neighbors. The neighbors on either side of us were Italians and the the neighbor directly across the street were Italian. All of them moved to our neighborhood from the neighborhood I was born and raised in. The neighbor on the left of us is a widow no too much older than me maybe 8-10 years and we have become good friends. Of course since we both share a love of the game Scrabble that brought us together even more. She is retired so is usually home most days and only is gone in the evening for a couple of hours when she goes to help her son at his newly owned deli/pizza place.
So when I got home today, a brewed a cup of coffee for me and a cup of tea for her and we had a quick game of Scrabble.
The daughter, as I have mentioned before is an assistant manager at a big store that has stores in every mall in America. She may have the opportunity to go to Connecticut to manger a store in a mall over there. They are short a manager due to maternity leave. They would need her for six weeks. They will pay for a hotel room, mileage and a per diem rate. She will know soon, when and what store it is. Her next promotion will be to a store manager and the District Manager would like to see her perform as a store manager, so she will start putting her in these kinds of situations to see how she does. She is excited.
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