Monday, December 5, 2011


Overcast... High 54

I can't belive this weather........I don't think we have had a hard freeze yet. It snowed a couple of inches way back in Oct but has been warm ever since.

I don't think we are going to put up a tree this year. Not that I don't feel in the spirit and really this is going to be the best Christmas in a long time. My daughter has a significant other and they are doing really good. Being so sick last year put a damper on that Christmas put a damper on that and the year before that I was still mourning the sudden loss of my brother. After I lost both my parents too, Christmas has not been the same as it was when my daughter was little and I had my parents and brother.

Last year because I was sick we joined my extended family for Christmas and Thanksgiving. My cousin and her daughter's and their families. They were nice enouogh to realize that we were going to be just the three of us for the hollidays