Wednesday, May 18, 2011


We started in early this morning cleaning out the garage. Today they will drop off an excavator and tomorrow the excavator driver will be here to excavate the garage. We managed to get everything out that we wanted to keep and the rest will be dumped with the garage. On Monday of next week we will have delivered a new shed from a company that makes them in Amish Country.
The daughter and her boyfriend came over to help with the clean out.
Saw the eye doc this morning and the cataract surgery went very well in both eyes. Just two more weeks of drops in each eye and then I will see him again.


When I was ready to move out of my parent's house it was because I was married. Now that I look back on it I didn't care what our first apartment looked like. It could have had shelves supported by cinder blocks in the living room. I didn't care I was moving out of a bedroom that held my entire life into a three bedroom flat with a living room, dinning room, kitchen and a bath and my own washer and dryer. I was going out in the world to start my life with the guy loved and a long future ahead of us. It is very different with my daughter. She owns her own condo and her fiance owns his own house and they both have bought and decorated in their own personal style. My daughter is planning on moving into his house and her decorating style is clashing with his or vice verse. I am having trouble helping them balance this but I never had this problem. Granted most of the things that were in my husband's and my first apartment was his stuff because he had an apartment when we met I still had to merge my stuff into his, but like I said it didn't matter to me. I guess it's different with my daughter she had to earn the money and painstakingly picked out the furniture and paid for it her self so I guess in a sense she is right that she doesn't feel like she wasts to give it up and he had to do the same and he probably feels the same way. The only way I could help them is tell them that they each had a style when they met and now that have to make it an "our style". I am sure it will work out but it may be painful.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


One of the reasons I started this blog was to keep track of the things that happen every year like the daily weather, planting flowers and shrubs and when we accomplished things on the outside of the house each Spring.

Unfortunately I have failed at keeping this blog up to date this Spring so it is basically useless to me in the areas mentioned above.

The only thing I can say that it seems to have been raining a very long time.

I will try to sum things up for the last few weeks.

I have had cataract surgery in both eyes. The right eye was a breeze and two weeks later the second eye seemed to give me a bit more trouble. There was pain in the left eye that didn't exists in the right eye and a blood vessel or somethng was broken during surgery on the left or second eye that caused my eye to look disgusting but did not effect the results of the surgery. The doctor said it looks great.

The mud/laudnry room is complete. The just have to finish the trim around the outside of the additon.

The pictures show some of the room. The cabinet with the lamp on it was in my brother's apartment. It was unfinished so I painted it to match the seat covers on the chairs.

Don't look beyond the windows, just look at the table and chairs. The car isn't usualy parked on the lawn and this is my husband old jeep that he uses to go back and forth to his construction sights with. The chair covers are new. This is a very old ice cream palor table and chairs that was in the store that my husband's grandparents had. They had a gas station and one part of the store was devoted to an ice cream parlor.

The washer dryer area and to the left of the washer dryer is the stainless steel shelves that we bought for storage of my small appliances, blender, crockpot, toaster, kitchen aid mixer, waffle maker, etc. The bi fold doors close and it doesn't even look like a laundry area.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


My daughter had the day off yesterday so we had the opportunity to go to the bookstore together to pick up a WEDDING PLANNER. Yes there has been some excitement since I last wrote here, an engagement.

On April 30th it was a nice enough day so we thought we would get the screens out from under the porch and put them up on the porch. So that's what we were doing when my daughter's boyfriend drove up without her. I figured she had asked him to come and help us with the screens. He did help and then when my husband and he were done they sat in the back yard with a cold drink and he said. "the reason I am here is because I want to ask you something, I would like to take Liz and my relationship to the next level, I would like to ask her to marry me, with your permission, of course." My husband, of course said yes. He had the ring with him and I actually got to see it before she did.

The ring is a halo setting.

He asked her to marry him that night and presented the ring on one knee. He is really a sweetheart.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


OMG!! Where do I begin! My daughter is engaged!! I never thought I would say those words. She and her boyfriend had Saturday off from work. She texted me and said that she was going to get her nails done and he was going to run some errands. I spotted him on Facebook chat so I asked him what he was doing. He said he was going to pick up a special package and then stopping by our house to show it to us. He got here about 2:30 and helped my husband with a few things outside he was working on. We were putting up the screens on the front porch. After a while that sat on the back patio to take a short break and he said, "the reason I am here is that I have to ask you a question...........I would like to take your daughter and my relationship to the next level...........I would like to ask her to marry me.