It started out as a beautiful day. By the time 11:30 am rolled in it was cloudy and rainy and don't blink, by the time 6:00 pm came it was sunny again. Crazy.
We went out this morning and did a few errands, only after we had waited until almost 9:30 for the carpenter to show up to start the trim around the windows and doors to the new room. While the sheet rock guy was here we deciced to tear off the wainscoating in the kitchen and sheet rock the kitchen anew also. There was a miscommunicaiton with the carpentar and he thought the tiler was going to be done until today so he thought he was starting on Monday. So Monday it is. So we went out to do our errands, had the car washed and stopped at home depot to get paint suppies. We started painting the porch floor today and hopefully the screens will be up on the porch this weekend.
When we got home I rushed to change into some decent clothes to join my friends at the old job at the nursing home for a luncheon in honor of administrative assistants.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Hazy Hot and Humid today, no rain though, may be tonight.
I had to be to the doctor's office by 7:30 this morning for my check on my eye. Everything looked great he said. Just a series of eye drops at least until Monday when I have another follow up appointment.
It was so nice being out so early in the morning. There was hardly any traffic and after the appointment we went to the Italian Bakery for breakfast. Bought some biscotti. We also stopped by the garden center and picked up some various colored pansies. When I got home my husband planted them in the concrete basket and placed it on the landscape mound in the front of the house.

Could someone please tell me why my beautiful weeping cherry tree did not bloom on the top of the tree this Spring. It only bloomed all around the bottom like a skirt. My guess is that a lot snow lay on the top of the tree and then turned to ice and the ice sat there for a long time. If we had only thought to go out to the tree and knock the snow off before it turned to ice I think it would have been ok. Hopefully we will get green leaves just now white blossoms.

I had to be to the doctor's office by 7:30 this morning for my check on my eye. Everything looked great he said. Just a series of eye drops at least until Monday when I have another follow up appointment.
It was so nice being out so early in the morning. There was hardly any traffic and after the appointment we went to the Italian Bakery for breakfast. Bought some biscotti. We also stopped by the garden center and picked up some various colored pansies. When I got home my husband planted them in the concrete basket and placed it on the landscape mound in the front of the house.

Got home and did some rearranging of closets. Folded all of my clean quilts and put them in the closet in one of the spare rooms where my husband has set up a closet with just shelves for that purpose specifically. I put away all of my winter shoes and hung my summer sandals on the shoe rack on the closet door and hung all of my husband short sleeved polo shirts out of the storage bucket from the winter and put his long sleeved polo shirts away in the same bucket. Watched the contractor tile the floor in the new room and I also washed two more quilts.
It rained during the night and my husband said that there was thunder and lightening but I must have been sound asleep because I didn't hear a thing. I had to sleep on my left side up on two pillows. That's what the instructions said for the night after cataract surgery. I sleep on my stomach normally so it was a miracle that I woke up on my side this morning.
They took my MIL to the hospital via ambulance from her Assisted Living Facility. They said she wasn't responding and she was clammy. When she got there they discovered her blood pressure was very low and she was probably dehydrated due to a case of diarrhea.
Could someone please tell me why my beautiful weeping cherry tree did not bloom on the top of the tree this Spring. It only bloomed all around the bottom like a skirt. My guess is that a lot snow lay on the top of the tree and then turned to ice and the ice sat there for a long time. If we had only thought to go out to the tree and knock the snow off before it turned to ice I think it would have been ok. Hopefully we will get green leaves just now white blossoms.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
I hate getting behind in my daily blog because then I can't catch up because I can't remember what I did on the days that I missed.
So today was the day that they did the cataract surgery on my right eye. I have had lasik surgery in the past on both eyes so I didn't think that there would be too much difference. I was right and wrong at the same time.
The facility was the same and the pre op stuff was very much the same but the surgery was a little different. I didn't have to try to keep my eye focused on a light in the center of my range of vision which was good and worried me a little. And I gave the anesthesiologist a heads up that sometimes I need a little more of what every he gives prior to surgery to keep me at the level they want me to be. I am not totally asleep but just very relaxes. For my lasik surgery when they did the first eye I was very talkative and remember the doctor telling me that for the second eye he would see to it that I was given a little more of the relaxation drug. I don't think the anesthesiologist believed me because he gave me my first dose of the drug about 10-20 minutes before the scheduled time and sure enough it wore off quickly. So for the surgery he doubled it and I think he even gave me a little more right before the doctor started. So I will have to remember this when the left eye is done. It is some nice drugs. They put a direct line into my arm and put the drug through that. I went in at 9:15 and I was on my way home by 11:30. My husband and I stopped and brought some lunch home but I honestly don't remember eating it. I know I was hungry though. I spent much of the day asleep on the couch. When It was time to actually go to bed I was afraid I was going to not be able to sleep, but I did. So basically my day was shot. But that is over now.
So today was the day that they did the cataract surgery on my right eye. I have had lasik surgery in the past on both eyes so I didn't think that there would be too much difference. I was right and wrong at the same time.
The facility was the same and the pre op stuff was very much the same but the surgery was a little different. I didn't have to try to keep my eye focused on a light in the center of my range of vision which was good and worried me a little. And I gave the anesthesiologist a heads up that sometimes I need a little more of what every he gives prior to surgery to keep me at the level they want me to be. I am not totally asleep but just very relaxes. For my lasik surgery when they did the first eye I was very talkative and remember the doctor telling me that for the second eye he would see to it that I was given a little more of the relaxation drug. I don't think the anesthesiologist believed me because he gave me my first dose of the drug about 10-20 minutes before the scheduled time and sure enough it wore off quickly. So for the surgery he doubled it and I think he even gave me a little more right before the doctor started. So I will have to remember this when the left eye is done. It is some nice drugs. They put a direct line into my arm and put the drug through that. I went in at 9:15 and I was on my way home by 11:30. My husband and I stopped and brought some lunch home but I honestly don't remember eating it. I know I was hungry though. I spent much of the day asleep on the couch. When It was time to actually go to bed I was afraid I was going to not be able to sleep, but I did. So basically my day was shot. But that is over now.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
It was a great Easter Sunday with extended family old and new.
We started the day at my daughter's boyfriend's house. They cooked breakfast for my husband and myself and his mother and her significant other. They did a great job. They also gave us each an Easter Lily to take home.
We had scrambled eggs, sausage, cantaloupe wrapped with prosciutto, Easter bread, cinnamon rolls, hard rolls, coffee and juice. We talked and laughed and had a great time. We had to leave there by noon because I had some food to prepare for our next cousin's house for dinner at 3. My daughter and her boyfriend were invited. I made scalloped potatoes and asparagus wrapped with prosciutto. I also brought dessert which was the cupcakes pictured in my blog yesterday. It was a great time, she served 14 people. Ham, sweet potatoes, Lima beans, salad, pasta and lamb. We got home about 7.
We started the day at my daughter's boyfriend's house. They cooked breakfast for my husband and myself and his mother and her significant other. They did a great job. They also gave us each an Easter Lily to take home.
We had scrambled eggs, sausage, cantaloupe wrapped with prosciutto, Easter bread, cinnamon rolls, hard rolls, coffee and juice. We talked and laughed and had a great time. We had to leave there by noon because I had some food to prepare for our next cousin's house for dinner at 3. My daughter and her boyfriend were invited. I made scalloped potatoes and asparagus wrapped with prosciutto. I also brought dessert which was the cupcakes pictured in my blog yesterday. It was a great time, she served 14 people. Ham, sweet potatoes, Lima beans, salad, pasta and lamb. We got home about 7.
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Heavy rain expected today and cool temperatures around 40.
We were out early this morning. I wanted to beat the crowds that will be shopping today the day before Easter. I had to pick up a couple of ingredients for the food that I am making to take to my cousins. I didn't want to get them earlier in the week especially the asparagus. Got home and went right to work. I had to make two batches of cupcakes, decorate them with green coconut and peeps and jelly beans. But guess what? The peeps were too big for the cupcakes. I saw a picture on line of this same exact decorating technique and their peeps for perfectly. Are there different sizes of peeps? Who would have known. I also made the scalloped potatoes and I will just top them with the Guyre cheese tomorrow and brown it.
Tomorrow we have been invited to my daughter's boyfriend's house for breakfast with his mom, her significant other and my daughter and boyfriend. If I were to guess I think he is going to give her the ring. If not that then he will ask for her hand tomorrow at breakfast. We are then going to my cousin's for dinner at 3 PM. It will be a nice day. But I don't think the weather is going to be cooperative.
We were out early this morning. I wanted to beat the crowds that will be shopping today the day before Easter. I had to pick up a couple of ingredients for the food that I am making to take to my cousins. I didn't want to get them earlier in the week especially the asparagus. Got home and went right to work. I had to make two batches of cupcakes, decorate them with green coconut and peeps and jelly beans. But guess what? The peeps were too big for the cupcakes. I saw a picture on line of this same exact decorating technique and their peeps for perfectly. Are there different sizes of peeps? Who would have known. I also made the scalloped potatoes and I will just top them with the Guyre cheese tomorrow and brown it.
Tomorrow we have been invited to my daughter's boyfriend's house for breakfast with his mom, her significant other and my daughter and boyfriend. If I were to guess I think he is going to give her the ring. If not that then he will ask for her hand tomorrow at breakfast. We are then going to my cousin's for dinner at 3 PM. It will be a nice day. But I don't think the weather is going to be cooperative.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Oh, I would say about 15-20 years ago if you were a diabetic the medical community would tell you stay away from sugar. But sometime between then and now the medical community has discovered that carbs are the ingredient in food that are so detrimental to diabetics. Now that the FDA has instructed food companies to put nutrition information on packaging it is really easy to see how the food you are about to eat will affect your glucose numbers. If someone told you before this packaging change that you should eat only 30 grams of carbs for breakfast you would have been scratching your head and saying, HUH!!
There are those people who still don't understand the carb intake thing. For example we had diner last night with my daughter's boyfriend's mother and her significant other and another couple that were their friends. The wife of the other couple made two apple pies, one regular and one with Splenda. I know she meant well but it's not the sugar in the apple pie that makes you glucose numbers go up, it is also the flour in the pie crust. It's now hard at this point to turn down the apple pie that she made especially for me. So I had a very small piece and tried just to eat the apples.
We had a great time at dinner though and my daughter joined us after she got out of work. The boyfriend was stuck in an overnight to Boston for his job.
We tried our best to stay out of the house today because the contractor was sanding the sheet rock. Yuk!!! what a mess. We took a ride to the Backyard Shed place and placed the order for the shed. Had breakfast and lunch out. He finished about 3 pm and I immediately started cleaning. Took the curtains off the dinning room windows and washed and hung them on the line. Mopped the kitchen and dinning room floors for the fifth time this week with vinegar and water. Even though he had not sanded anything until today just the handling of the sheet rock caused dust.
There are those people who still don't understand the carb intake thing. For example we had diner last night with my daughter's boyfriend's mother and her significant other and another couple that were their friends. The wife of the other couple made two apple pies, one regular and one with Splenda. I know she meant well but it's not the sugar in the apple pie that makes you glucose numbers go up, it is also the flour in the pie crust. It's now hard at this point to turn down the apple pie that she made especially for me. So I had a very small piece and tried just to eat the apples.
We had a great time at dinner though and my daughter joined us after she got out of work. The boyfriend was stuck in an overnight to Boston for his job.
We tried our best to stay out of the house today because the contractor was sanding the sheet rock. Yuk!!! what a mess. We took a ride to the Backyard Shed place and placed the order for the shed. Had breakfast and lunch out. He finished about 3 pm and I immediately started cleaning. Took the curtains off the dinning room windows and washed and hung them on the line. Mopped the kitchen and dinning room floors for the fifth time this week with vinegar and water. Even though he had not sanded anything until today just the handling of the sheet rock caused dust.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Another rainy day. Only about 40 degrees today, cloudy.
My days seems to be merging all together. Everyday the contractor is here and everyday I have to clean the kitchen top to bottom and mop the dinning room and kitchen floor and the foyer floor with vinegar and water to break down the sheet rock dust and they have not even begun to sand the areas where they had to tape and goop as my husband would call it.
So I talked to my cousin today and we decided on what I would bring to Easter dinner. I am going to make scalloped pototoes, a receipe I found with Guyre cheese. I am also making prucitto wrapped roasted asparagus and a dessert which will consist of a couple of dozen of cupcakes decorated with marshmellow peeps, green coconut and jelly beans.
I went out today to get a few of the things for Easter, Walmart of course. I had to buy a new muffin tin for the cupcakes and cupcake papers. I have a muffin tin that makes a dozen, and one that makes a half of a dozen but the smaller of the two does not make an evenly cooked muffin. I also got the peeps and jelly beans.
I am making a little basket of some Easter candy and a gift card for my son and her boyfriend. A Starbuck's card for her and a Wendy's for him.
So the secret is this. He bought an engagement ring. That's right, please keep the secret. I don't want to tell anyone until he actually proposes. He also is going to come and talk to my husband about asking for her hand, can you believe that. They called me last night to tell me. Yes she knows because he wanted her to have the style she wanted. They have strugglilng for a couple of weeks now trying to figure out a way for him to get the money together for the ring. He is not the type to use a credit card on a big ticket item and the first ring they looked at was $6,200. So........I had a ring that was given to my by my husband's mother when his grandmother died. It had a ruby and a diamond set side by side. I told her she could have the diamond if she wanted to put it in her ring. They hemmed and hawed about it and finally decided to take it. She texted me the picture. The diamond I gave her wasn't in the setting, but it is called a halo setting. My diamond will go in the middle and then there are diamonds all around the big stone and diamonds on the band of the engagement ring. The wedding band will also have diamonds on it and will wrap around the engagement ring. I am pleased she is using her great grandmother's diamond. She wanted to surprise me and present me with the ruby side of that ring in a pendant, but she told me about it because on second thought she wasn't sure if I would like that idea. I did so she thought maybe I would have it for Easter.
We don't know when he will propose. But I am stunned now to realize that my daughter is technically engaged.
The first thought that crossed my mind was. Oh my God, I can't tell anyone. But I could not help myself. I called my very close cousin. She is like a sister to me. If my brother was still alive I would have called him first or even my mother and father if they were alive. I told her he bought the ring but they were not engaged yet. My husband was pissed off. He didn't think I should tell anyone. But I just had to tell my cousins, she is my closest friend.
I have no idea how to plan a wedding. I didn't even plan one for myself. My husband and I eloped. I was 27 and he was 32 and I just thought that the two of us were too old for a big fat wedding. He had like four relatives he could invite and I had like a million. It just wasn't right. I could not afford a big wedding and I knew my parents couldn't either. So we had dinner with my parents on a Thursday evening and told them that on Friday we were going off to get married by a JP and going away for a long weekend. About a month or so later my parents threw a sort of reception for us. Just a big party really. At the Italian Community Center where they were members. It was a very nice party. And I didn't have to spend a thousand dollars on a wedding dress.
My days seems to be merging all together. Everyday the contractor is here and everyday I have to clean the kitchen top to bottom and mop the dinning room and kitchen floor and the foyer floor with vinegar and water to break down the sheet rock dust and they have not even begun to sand the areas where they had to tape and goop as my husband would call it.
So I talked to my cousin today and we decided on what I would bring to Easter dinner. I am going to make scalloped pototoes, a receipe I found with Guyre cheese. I am also making prucitto wrapped roasted asparagus and a dessert which will consist of a couple of dozen of cupcakes decorated with marshmellow peeps, green coconut and jelly beans.
I went out today to get a few of the things for Easter, Walmart of course. I had to buy a new muffin tin for the cupcakes and cupcake papers. I have a muffin tin that makes a dozen, and one that makes a half of a dozen but the smaller of the two does not make an evenly cooked muffin. I also got the peeps and jelly beans.
I am making a little basket of some Easter candy and a gift card for my son and her boyfriend. A Starbuck's card for her and a Wendy's for him.
So the secret is this. He bought an engagement ring. That's right, please keep the secret. I don't want to tell anyone until he actually proposes. He also is going to come and talk to my husband about asking for her hand, can you believe that. They called me last night to tell me. Yes she knows because he wanted her to have the style she wanted. They have strugglilng for a couple of weeks now trying to figure out a way for him to get the money together for the ring. He is not the type to use a credit card on a big ticket item and the first ring they looked at was $6,200. So........I had a ring that was given to my by my husband's mother when his grandmother died. It had a ruby and a diamond set side by side. I told her she could have the diamond if she wanted to put it in her ring. They hemmed and hawed about it and finally decided to take it. She texted me the picture. The diamond I gave her wasn't in the setting, but it is called a halo setting. My diamond will go in the middle and then there are diamonds all around the big stone and diamonds on the band of the engagement ring. The wedding band will also have diamonds on it and will wrap around the engagement ring. I am pleased she is using her great grandmother's diamond. She wanted to surprise me and present me with the ruby side of that ring in a pendant, but she told me about it because on second thought she wasn't sure if I would like that idea. I did so she thought maybe I would have it for Easter.
We don't know when he will propose. But I am stunned now to realize that my daughter is technically engaged.
The first thought that crossed my mind was. Oh my God, I can't tell anyone. But I could not help myself. I called my very close cousin. She is like a sister to me. If my brother was still alive I would have called him first or even my mother and father if they were alive. I told her he bought the ring but they were not engaged yet. My husband was pissed off. He didn't think I should tell anyone. But I just had to tell my cousins, she is my closest friend.
I have no idea how to plan a wedding. I didn't even plan one for myself. My husband and I eloped. I was 27 and he was 32 and I just thought that the two of us were too old for a big fat wedding. He had like four relatives he could invite and I had like a million. It just wasn't right. I could not afford a big wedding and I knew my parents couldn't either. So we had dinner with my parents on a Thursday evening and told them that on Friday we were going off to get married by a JP and going away for a long weekend. About a month or so later my parents threw a sort of reception for us. Just a big party really. At the Italian Community Center where they were members. It was a very nice party. And I didn't have to spend a thousand dollars on a wedding dress.
Monday, April 18, 2011
My kidney doctor suggested I enroll in a Diabetic Education/Nutrition class at the local hospital. My first class covered what diabetes is and how my body function as a diabetic, how to use insulin and what it does for my body. The second class was today on nutrition. It told me how many carbs I could eat a day based on my height/weight. How to read the labels on food containers and how to manage my meals based on the carbs I can eat. 95% of the stuff I already new, but it was worth refreshing my knowledge. An interesting observation about the attendees. Two females, me and another women about the same age and two males approximately the same age as me. THE MEN HAD THEIR WIVES WITH THEM. From my historic perspective men can not handle their respective medical issues alone. Just like I believe women live a lot longer without their spouse. I go to medical appointments with my husband and sit in and observe what the doctor has to say. Just as I did with my dad after my mother died. My husband on the other hand does not sit in with my appointments. I don understand the psychology behind this, I just know it to be true. I had a horrendous headache today. I rushed out of the house to my class with the headache just starting. I hardly had enough time for my oatmeal and skipped the coffee. The contractor was working in the kitchen/new addition and I didn't want to take the time to make a cup of coffee and by the time the class was over my headache was raging. I came home and thought it was because I was getting hungry for lunch, so we had lunch. That didn't help. So I took two Tylenol and spent the afternoon dozing off on the couch. I got up at about 4 and the headache was still lingering. We had dinner and then I realized I had not had any coffee all day. So my husband suggested a Starbuck's latte. Believe it or not it helped. My daughter had her annual performance review today. She is doing very well and will get a raise this year of 3.2%. I feel this is a good percentage considering some companies are not giving any raises. Her and the boyfriend are looking at engagement rings. I can't believe how fast this is happending. I just hope the engagement lasts a while.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Today would have been my brother's 55th birthday. I posted on FB today that he was a loving son, a patient uncle and an endearing brother and brother in law. There is so much more that I can say but I really don't have the words and when I do find the words my throat tightens and my eyes well up and I can't speak or see. The hole in my heart will never ever go away and I don't want it to because I will have forgotten him and I don't want to ever forget him. I was on my way to get my hair cut this morning, I was thinking about him and trying not to cry so I could see the road ahead. My phone rang and it was my daughter. "Are you OK mom?" "Of course I am, why?" "It is Uncle Tommy's birthday and I knew you would be sad." We have always been on the same wave length. She told me not to cry and drive at the same time. I felt better. So the gray hairs (I could never understand the difference between grey and gray) are covered up again and I feel a bit better about how I look. After my appointment I went home and we discussed lunch and what we wanted to do. We got a call from my daughter wanting to know if we wanted to meet her and the boyfriend and boyfriend's mother for lunch. Yes!!! So that was fun. Another reasons it was a bad day, it was cold, rainy, windy and just plan miserable.
Friday, April 15, 2011
I HATE IT WHEN YOU GO OUT TO EAT AND YOUR FOOD ARRIVES COLD!!!! We went out for breakfast this morning because the contractor is hanging sheet rock in my kitchen today. We went to a local diner. I ordered a cheese omelet. It arrived cold with no toast. The waitress said she though I said no toast. I didn't say anything about my omelet because what I hate more than a cold omelet is waiting for a new hot one to come back and having my partner's breakfast almost done. Then I had to wait for the toast and the butter on the toast tasted like margarine. So I had half of the omelet and 1/4 of the toast. I suppose that was a good breakfast considering I need to eat less carbs anyway. About a month ago we went to the flooring place to pick out ceramic tile for the mud/laundry. We were told just to give them the contractor's name and contractor would pick it up when they were read to install it. We just found out yesterday that the tile we picked out was back ordered until the end of May. Well that is not going to help us the contractor is here now. So we had to go back to the flooring place and pick out new tile. This just pissed me off. It took me forever to pick out the first tile and if I had a lot of choices it would not have taken me so long. Needless to say I could not find anything I liked today. I had to settle for something I wasn't really crazy about because after all it had to be in stock, no special order, no time for that. Then we had to go to the paint store to pick out pain for the front porch steps and floor. That wasn't too bad. Just a basic light gray. I have been washing all of my quilts and hanging them outside to dry.

Perfect weather for that. It is going to be in the 50's today with plenty of sun but a bit of a breeze so it feels colder than 50. I am supposes to call about my Jury Duty status over thew weekend but I call the Commissioner of Jurors today and asked if I could have my doctor fax an excuse do to the fact that I am insulin dependent. She said that would be fine. So that's off of my plate. We have been invited to my cousin's house for Easter Sunday dinner. I told her I didn't know if my daughter was going to be there because she may be having dinner with her boyfriend's family. That's not the case because my daughter called me last night and asked if the boyfriend could join us for dinner. I think it will be ok but I will call my cousin to confirm. EDITED TO ADD: Sitting outside on the patio with my neighbor and her great granddaughter. I hear this THUNK!!! Look around......the brand new clothesline had broken......all of my freshly cleaned quilts..........on the ground. We joined my daughter's boyfriend's mother, her boyfriend and their friends for dinner again tonight at the firehouse for fish fry. We had a really nice visit. We stopped on the way home from dinner for our first ice cream cone. I got a frozen yogurt twist with vanilla and strawberry. It was much too sweet for me, I threw it away after only a coupleof licks. My husband got his favorite hot fudge sundae and ate it all.

Perfect weather for that. It is going to be in the 50's today with plenty of sun but a bit of a breeze so it feels colder than 50. I am supposes to call about my Jury Duty status over thew weekend but I call the Commissioner of Jurors today and asked if I could have my doctor fax an excuse do to the fact that I am insulin dependent. She said that would be fine. So that's off of my plate. We have been invited to my cousin's house for Easter Sunday dinner. I told her I didn't know if my daughter was going to be there because she may be having dinner with her boyfriend's family. That's not the case because my daughter called me last night and asked if the boyfriend could join us for dinner. I think it will be ok but I will call my cousin to confirm. EDITED TO ADD: Sitting outside on the patio with my neighbor and her great granddaughter. I hear this THUNK!!! Look around......the brand new clothesline had broken......all of my freshly cleaned quilts..........on the ground. We joined my daughter's boyfriend's mother, her boyfriend and their friends for dinner again tonight at the firehouse for fish fry. We had a really nice visit. We stopped on the way home from dinner for our first ice cream cone. I got a frozen yogurt twist with vanilla and strawberry. It was much too sweet for me, I threw it away after only a coupleof licks. My husband got his favorite hot fudge sundae and ate it all.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Contractor was going to be here at 7:30 am so I had to get up and dressed and ready for the day. It really was ok though because I had to go to get some blood drawn for my check up on Friday and it was a fasting blood draw so the earlier you get there the better. But that can bite you in the ass because everyone else is in the same boat so it tends to be a bit crowded. When I was getting blood drawn first every three weeks, then every month, then every six weeks for my kidney check up it wasn't a fasting blood draw so I would go any time and if I waited until later in the morning it was not crowded at all. Today wasn't all that bad. I was in and out in probably 1/2 hour. My husband stayed at home with the contractor so I stopped to see my friend at the nursing home where I use to work. It was her birthday yesterday so I wanted to stop by with a small gift. I got her a bag of Lindt chocolates and a bath bar scented like oranges, it was so nice. Then I went to the market to pick up a few things and then of course had to stop for a cafe latte. Came home to discover that the contractor and my husband had decided that we didn't need the French doors leading the laundry/mud room. My original hope was that we didn't need to put doors between the two rooms because I wanted it to make the kitchen feel bigger and my husband was the one who felt it would be a good idea to have the doors in case it got really cold in the winter. We could shut them and contain the cold in the laundry/mud room. The contractor said that the new room was probably better insulated that the entire house due to the fact that it is new construction and very well insulated. So I got my wish. The hole is made and I can tell already that it is going to make the kitchen look and feel bigger. So while the contractor worked, we worked on the front yard getting it raked. It was very warm today, high 70's, very unusual for this time of the year and we may even have thunderstorms tonight. The rest of the week is going to be cooler. So I am glad the yard work is done and lawn is raked so that the new grass can come up especially since we are going to get rain to help that along. I made my mother's meatballs for dinner and spaghetti. Only after I had to clean the entire kitchen top to bottom. The contractor had put up plastic sheeting but it still penetrated. Oh well I think the worse is over and my kitchen is Spring cleaned. The only thing I didn't do was wash the windows. I got the information in the mail today for the inscription on my brother's headstone at the cemetary. It's hard to believe it's going to be one year on June 30th that he died. I cried all over again. Why did this have to happen. I miss him terribly and there will never be anything that can fill the hole in my heart. The laundry/mud room project was talked about for years and he was one of the ones who encouraged us to do it. I wish he were here to see it. I wish he was here to see how happy is neice is now that she has a significant other to share her life with. I think he would have liked Nick. If he didn't he would have slapped into shape. Figuratively, of course. No one could ever hurt his neice.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
You would never believe that we raked this Fall before the winter set in. We filled 12 of those paper leaf bags with debris from the backyard. We spent almost the entire day raking and cleaning up in the back. One one point my daughter texted me and said, "hey why don't you and dad meet the boyfriend and I at the outlet stores." Huh? You guys should be here helping or at least doing yard work at his house, since his mother mentioned last night that there is a lot to be done. However it is the last day of her vacation so I suppose I shouldn't be too hard on her. I will grab them another time. This morning we had to run to Home Depot to get one of those whirly gigs that you use to apply grass seed and grab grass control stuff. My husband used the old one to spread rock salt over the winter, Duh!! Now it doesn't work.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Got out and going early this morning. Stopped for a latte, and went to Home Depot. I ended up getting a fire pit, very similar to the one I posted about yesterday. Grabbed some lunch on the way home and then I spent an hour or so sitting with my daughter at the nail salon, chatting. I have to grab what time I can with her now that she is preoccupied with the boyfriend. I had to be home by 3 pm because the contractor was coming over to go over the plans for Phase II and to make sure we were all on the same page. Everything is looking good. They will start work at 7:30 am on Monday. On the way home I stopped at the bakery and picked up some cupcakes to take with me to dinner. As I mentioned we were meeting the boyfriend's mother, her boyfriend and a two of their friends at the local volunteer firehouse. During lent they serve Fish Fry to benefit the firehouse. We had a nice dinner and conversation and everyone was pleased the with cupcakes I brought. My daughter joined us, the boyfriend was on an overnight for his job in Boston. After dinner my daughter and I went to check on the sneaker sale at the shoe store she use to work when she was in college. She ended up buying the boyfriend a new pair of sneakers.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
I didn't post yesterday because I was busy fooling around with some old journals I had saved as word documents back as far as 2005. I was trying to copy and past them into this format. I will try to post them sometime soon. Plus I have a hand written journal that I would like to post here also. Today was a beautiful day. Sunny with a light breeze and in the upper 50's. We went out early this morning and first thing grabbed a latte from Starbuck's then we went to the appliance store to grab a stacking kit for the washer and dryer. When it gets set up in the mud/laundry room it will be stacked behind a bi fold door at the end of the room. We stopped at Lowe's to get new brackets for a fence in the backyard. It is just a decorate fence that sits between my neighbor's yard and mine with two pine trees flanking it. Over the winter I think her son plowed too much snow into it and it broke away from the brackets on the posts. I also got four new patio chairs for the little patio area in the back yard. I also want to get a fire pit like this one. I did a little raking around the area where the fence is and it is beginning to look nicer out back. I was just telling my husband the other day that I would love to stop by a garden shop that has greenhouses and ask them if I could just go and walk around in the green house and smell the fresh damp soil and the green leafy plants. I know their greenhouses are starting to get stocked. Today as I was raking I got the aroma I was looking for last week. Moist, wet soil with a little bit of green mixed in. I yelled to my husband, "Husband, I smell soil."
I actually wore sandals today and wasn't even cold. My daughter came by to pick up her summer tires and and rims. She came with the boyfriend and his truck. She then went directly to the tire place and had them put on. He is a sweetheart, he has taken over for my husband when it comes to doing things like that for the daughter.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Woke to another rainy day. I got out of bed and had my oatmeal and cup of coffee and then I thought what the heck maybe I could get the husband to shampoo the living carpet. So I vacuumed the rug and coaxed him into getting the shampooer out and just doing the high traffic areas. Our plan is to still have the professional come but I just felt better about get the areas that were really bad just looking a little better. So we did that and then I showered and dressed for the day. I decided not to just sit in to day and look at the rain. I made an appointment to have my nails done. I usually wear acrylic nails but I wanted to get away from that for a while so I had the acrylic soaked off and my fingers manicured and a new lacquer nail polish applied. They look nice and if it works out I will continue with the lacquer. They are suppose to hold up for two to three weeks without chipping or peeling. Came home and had dinner and now the sun is out but the day is over. I dressed today for Spring. Light weight trouser jeans not capris but pretty close and sandals. I did have to change into sneakers before I left the house. It was just a little too cold. I have a cleaning lady who has been coming to my house every two weeks for about 20 years. She is on vacation this week so I had to do a little bit of cleaning myself. I carried the vacuuming of the living room, pre shampooing, to vacuuming the foyer, the dinning room and the kitchen and then I wet swiffered the kitchen. She uses a mop and bucket bu she also mops all the hardwood floors in the house so a swiffer would be worthless. Tomorrow promisses to be a little less rainy so maybe I will wash the windows in the living room, take down the curtains and the living room will be Spring clean.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Rainy and cool today not a sunshine in the sky. My husband said he thinks the bleeding heart in the front flower bed is peeking through. I went without socks and open toed shoes today but no capris yet. I have been plugging along trying to get things organized in this house. I had some house plants that were very neglected sitting behind a chair in the living room on a small corner shelf where I thought they would get the most sunlight this winter. I took them out from behind the chair and out of the corner and gave them a trimming and a good watering and hopefully they will perk up so they will look good enough to adorn the front porch when we get that set up. I dragged a wicker basket of crocheting out from behind an end table and threw away a small project that my daughter started probably two years ago and reorganized a lap blanket I started crocheting for the front porch a couple of years ago. I vow to finish it and put it on the front porch sofa this summer. I packed up a bunch of books that were sitting on a table in the living room hoping to be read when I was recuperating from my stay in the hospital. I am going to go through them and see which ones I think I will actually read and give the rest to the used book store. I am thinking about buying a iPad so that I can down load books. But if I can't seem to read an actually book I have in the house and don't have to go to the store and buy and don't have to download,m I don't think the iPad thing is going to make me read. Maybe if it is a nice day tomorrow I will start washing windows. Ever since we replaced 99.9% (two windows left) with the kind you can pull in to wash, I love washing the windows. If we do start that I will take the curtains down in the living room and wash them. I may not put them back up right away. In the summer I love the look of the windows bare. Then as soon as the weather gets a little warmer and there is less of a chance of someone tracking in the living room carpet with wet or muddy shoes I will call and have the living room rug cleaned. The living room in the only room in the house that has carpeting. The kitchen has tile and the mud/laundry room will have tile and the rest of the house has hardwood except for the foyer, that has a slate floor. Then the living room will be fresh and clean for the summer. Today I met with a Diabetic Educator to learn more about my disease and how to control my blood sugars and how to manage my insulin injections. I will meet with a nutritionist on the 18th of April. Six more days until the contractor comes to start Phase II. I am so excited. The floor tiles have been picked out the light fixtures have been picked out now all I have to do is pick a color for the walls. My daughter and her boyfriend are talking engagement rings. This is beginning to get exciting. I will try to keep this blog updated as far as their relationship is concerned. She is feeling better and remember to take her antibiotic. She is on vacation this week and he has tomorrow off from work so I hope they have a nice day. They were talking about hopping a train to NYC for the day tomorrow.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
I spent the day with my daughter at her condo helping her clean out under her kitchen sink her bathroom sink and her linen closet. She is so disorganized. There were two and three bottles of the same cleaning stuff under the sinks. So I combined everything that I could. She is nothing like me. I have to have everything in my closets and drawers in order. All of the same kinds of things in the same place. She is very much willy nilly when it comes to this stuff. While we were doing this she was doing laundry, something that she has neglected lately. Like I said in my last post she is having trouble with time management. Two jobs and a new boyfriend. It was a beautiful day so we were able to open doors and windows and air her place out. She washed her duvet cover and changed the sheets on her bed. I remember when I was first married and I guess even to this day I have a tendancy let my refrigerator shelves get a little messy and I sometimes am too lazy to wipe off the bottles and jars before I put them back in the refrigerator. The refrigerator is very organized, i.e., the jellys are together, the condiments are together, etc. So when I was first married, and probably up until my mother died; whenever my mother came to visit she would clean up the refrigerator. I loved it. My daughter has the same habit of letting her refrigerator go and if it wasn't for the fact that her boyfriend just cleaned up her refrigerator I probably would have done the same thing for her. So I guess my original question as to whether this child really belonged to me, the answer is yes!! We took a little break to get a Starbucks and mosey around Marshall's for a bit and then she took me home. My daughter had stayed with us last night, still not feeling 100% and the boyfriend was on an overnight for his job.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The sun was shining when I was awaken at 7 am by my daughter. She said she was going to go to Urgent Care, they opened at 10. Her boyfriend was going to go with her. Her ear was still bothering her and I think she was concerned that it was lingering so long. My husband and I had a nice breakfast of French toast and bacon. He wanted to go to our local diner but I said what every you want from there I can make here. Which wasn't true at all because a couple breakfast things that are not at my finger tips would be home fries and corn beef hash, both of which he really likes. I could make hash browns quickly if I had potatoes, but I rarely buy or cook potatoes. Corn beef hash well that's another story, nothing easy about that unless you buy it in a can. And of course home fries come frozen but we tried the once and they were terrible. So we settled for French toast and bacon. After breakfast we had to stop by the bank and as long as we were going in that direction maybe we would just stop by Urgent Care to see how it was going. She came out complaining that the co payment was $50.00 and he told her she had the flu and that she should take Advil cold and sinus. He did give her a perscription for Augmenten and antibiotic but told her she should only start taking it if she didn't get better in 2 to 3 days. He also said her ears where not infected. We both decided that she should start taking the prescription, why wait and it couldn't hurt to take it. Even the pharmacist agreed. So she went to work for a mid day shift and she may start the antibiotic tonight. Luckily she starts a one week vacation tomorrow. I think she needs the rest. She started this second part time job in October, I got sick and was hospitalized for 16 days and then she met the boyfriends I think her life has been a little stressful right now and she is probably very run down. So after we got her settled and she was off to work my husband grab some lunch and then I had a craving for jelly beans. So we stopped at a local candy shop and indulged. I really should not be eating candy. So back to the sunshine. It as shinning this morning when we got up and shined all day. Low 50's what a relief,. We can't decide whether or not to start the yard work or wait until the contractor is done. He has lawn repair built into his contract so I think we should just wait until they are done and then ask them to do a little more then just the area around the extension and see how much extra it would cost us. The front yard I may have a landscaping company do. I have two flower beds out front one up against the house under the dinning room window and one I call a landscape mound on the front lawn. The old mulch should probably be pulled up and replaced so a good job for professionals. I had an old fashion clothes line which ran from the old porch across the back yard to my neighbors garage. I love a clothes line especially for drying blankets. When they took down the old porch and added our mud/laundry room the clothes line was lost. I told them at the end of Phase I that I didn't need the clothes line put back up, mainly because I didn't want to ruin the new siding to hook up a clothes line. But now that Spring is here I am biting at the bit to get all of my quilts washed and hung out to dry. Especially today because it was sunny and warm and a nice breeze. I probably have 10 handmade quilts. Most of them were made by my father's mother and grandmother. A couple were made by me. All of them are hand tied. I have one that was made for my daughter, one that I made for my father and a couple that we are "keeping" for my mother in law because she has no where to store them in her Assisted Living home. I love quilts so much more that comforters. I don't own one comforter. So I think when the contractor cones back to start Phase II I may have to ask him to put the clothes line back up. When my cousin moved to Florida she lived in a housing development that did not allow clothes lines, how can that be. I would feel lost without my clothes line. Myself and my two cousins and two good friends of ours all female are going to see Michael Buble, I think I mentioned this before. I stopped by my one cousins house who was in charge of picking up the tickets pay her, she made a pot of coffee and we visited for a while. She has a rough year also this year. As I lost my brother, she lost her father and her husband and all three of them within months of each other. Her father in May, my brother in June and her husband right after Christmas. So we had a nice visit. The tickets were quite pricey $90 each so I didn't want her to carry the burden of all those tickets. Five tickets at $90 is $450, can you believe it.
Friday, April 1, 2011
I was right and weather men were wrong. I kept waking up during the night thinking I was going to see heavy wet snow falling outside my window...........nothing. The snow that did fall as the daylight approached did nothing but make the grass a little white. We avoided that one. My daughter is still sick and I wanted to get her in to see the doctor this morning before she went to work at 2 PM, but no.........she kept saying she was feeling better. She battled ear infections for so long when she was younger and I an so afraid that those ear infections are going to come back to haunt her. Right now that is the one thing she is complaining the most about. She just called me from work and said that she is sorry now that she didn't go to the doctor today. Now I am frantically searching for an urgent care facility that is open in the morning. We have an On Call close by and they open at 9. So if I can get her to agree, we will go there in the morning. I don't know what has caused her to be so afraid of going for medical treatment. She keeps saying that she is afraid that they are going to find something terribly wrong with her during just a routine check up. I suppose after her and I and my husband have seen his grandparents, his father, my mother, my father and my brother die, it might be a little scary. And of course my 16 days in the hospital with kidney failure did not help her deal with her small illnesses.
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