daughter slept at our house last night so it was easy to get out and to the airport early. Day one of our vacation/cruise has started.
Everything went smoothly until we got to the security check. We had paid for early bird check in and we were assigned to Section A. We were flying Southwest and the Section A
flyers get to board first because all the seats are first come first serve.
So anyway I had my driver's license out and showed it the security person and the next step was the x ray machine for our carry on stuff. When we got to that point we were told that we didn't need our
ID's just the boarding pass and there was no wait in the line so I didn't want to take the time to pull my wallet out to put my ID away so I
laid the ID on top of the stuff in the plastic bin that was going through the x ray machine. When the bin got to the other side I picked up my stuff; sweater, carry
on bag and put my shoes on and my daughter and I went to out next stop *buck's. I opened my wallet, no license in the plastic see through window. We went back to security check, no one turned it in and it wasn't anywhere on the floors. No I was worried because all I had was my passport for ID. My daughter said that the passport was more important than a driver's license and the security guy said that I would have no problem getting back on the plane in Florida because I had a passport.
I think the sweeping rubber fins of the x ray machine must have swept the license off the top of the bin and I think it fell into the machine never to be found.
We boarded the plane not soon after that with no license. We arrived in Ft
Lauderdale 1/2 hour early. I called Angie my cousin to say we had landed. She was very surprised and said that it had been pouring rain all morning and that she was going to leave right away. We went to the baggage claim and my phone rang while we were waiting. She said she had to turn around and go back home because she could not see in front of the car. She was going to send her husband
Derf for us. He was closer to the airport at work. So he gets there, we meet up with him outside baggage claim and we stuffed our two big suitcases and a smaller suitcase into his little convertible car and off we go. Just as we were pulling out of the airport he says, "I don't want to scare you but it is going to rain." I thought what the hell is up with this rain; Why is it so scary. Well, I found out soon
enough. Now I have been to Florida many times and I am sure it has rained while I was there, but let me tell you that it rained like sheets of water. We were on a major highway and we could not see two feet in front of the car. Scary!!!
We got to their house safely. Sat and had a relaxing lunch and then the chaos began. There were nine of us going on this trip:
1. My cousin Princess P from the city where I live
2. Our good family friend Jonie from the city where I live
3. My cousin Angie from Ft
Lauderdale4. My cousin Angie's daughter T from Ft
Lauderdale5. My cousin Angie's daughter D from Wellington FL
6. D's friend Maddy from Wellington
7. T's friend Linn from Boston
8. My daughter
Izzie9. Me
The day after we arrived D was hosting a BBQ at her house for all of us. Her husband Jon and Angie's husband
Derf were going to cook and serve all of us girls. We are all contributing something to the BBQ. I was going to put
together my famous White Wine Sangria. My
Izzie was making
Chex Party, the chocolate and peanut butter kind, and everyone else was bring something too. So I had to go the
market to get the supplies I needed. Then we came home and it was time for dinner so we went out to an Italian restaurant called Pizza Time and believe me there was a lot more than pizza on the menu. When we got home Angie's son and his wife and their 4 year old came to visit. After they left we were exhausted and got to bed fairly early.