Wednesday, September 29, 2010



I realize that I have not updated in a while and I still need to do Vacation/Cruise Days 2-10. However, yesterday and today were very eventful days so I needed to get it documented.

I saw a surgeon yesterday about my ailing gall bladder. He is going to remove it on the 7th of October. Next week is going to be very busy.

- Monday Bella has a vet appointment at 9 am
- Tuesday I have a pre admission testing appointment which includes a chest x ray,m blood work and a consult with the anesthesiologist
- Wednesday I have an GYN appointment and a mammogram
- Thursday is the surgery

We put out the mums on Sunday, changed out the occasion flag, ran some artificial leaves along the porch railing and bought some cute spider lights for the porch railing also. So things look somewhat fall festive out in front. I put a pumpkin on the front steps with a big yello mum.

Today we had to run Buddy to the vet. He must have gotten into some sort of a fight with another animal because he had a big lump on his back that looked like an infection. The vet drained it and gave us some antibiotics for him.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


My daughter slept at our house last night so it was easy to get out and to the airport early. Day one of our vacation/cruise has started.

Everything went smoothly until we got to the security check. We had paid for early bird check in and we were assigned to Section A. We were flying Southwest and the Section A flyers get to board first because all the seats are first come first serve.

So anyway I had my driver's license out and showed it the security person and the next step was the x ray machine for our carry on stuff. When we got to that point we were told that we didn't need our ID's just the boarding pass and there was no wait in the line so I didn't want to take the time to pull my wallet out to put my ID away so I laid the ID on top of the stuff in the plastic bin that was going through the x ray machine. When the bin got to the other side I picked up my stuff; sweater, carry on bag and put my shoes on and my daughter and I went to out next stop *buck's. I opened my wallet, no license in the plastic see through window. We went back to security check, no one turned it in and it wasn't anywhere on the floors. No I was worried because all I had was my passport for ID. My daughter said that the passport was more important than a driver's license and the security guy said that I would have no problem getting back on the plane in Florida because I had a passport.

I think the sweeping rubber fins of the x ray machine must have swept the license off the top of the bin and I think it fell into the machine never to be found.

We boarded the plane not soon after that with no license. We arrived in Ft Lauderdale 1/2 hour early. I called Angie my cousin to say we had landed. She was very surprised and said that it had been pouring rain all morning and that she was going to leave right away. We went to the baggage claim and my phone rang while we were waiting. She said she had to turn around and go back home because she could not see in front of the car. She was going to send her husband Derf for us. He was closer to the airport at work. So he gets there, we meet up with him outside baggage claim and we stuffed our two big suitcases and a smaller suitcase into his little convertible car and off we go. Just as we were pulling out of the airport he says, "I don't want to scare you but it is going to rain." I thought what the hell is up with this rain; Why is it so scary. Well, I found out soon enough. Now I have been to Florida many times and I am sure it has rained while I was there, but let me tell you that it rained like sheets of water. We were on a major highway and we could not see two feet in front of the car. Scary!!!

We got to their house safely. Sat and had a relaxing lunch and then the chaos began. There were nine of us going on this trip:

1. My cousin Princess P from the city where I live
2. Our good family friend Jonie from the city where I live
3. My cousin Angie from Ft Lauderdale
4. My cousin Angie's daughter T from Ft Lauderdale
5. My cousin Angie's daughter D from Wellington FL
6. D's friend Maddy from Wellington
7. T's friend Linn from Boston
8. My daughter Izzie
9. Me

The day after we arrived D was hosting a BBQ at her house for all of us. Her husband Jon and Angie's husband Derf were going to cook and serve all of us girls. We are all contributing something to the BBQ. I was going to put together my famous White Wine Sangria. My Izzie was making Chex Party, the chocolate and peanut butter kind, and everyone else was bring something too. So I had to go the market to get the supplies I needed. Then we came home and it was time for dinner so we went out to an Italian restaurant called Pizza Time and believe me there was a lot more than pizza on the menu. When we got home Angie's son and his wife and their 4 year old came to visit. After they left we were exhausted and got to bed fairly early.


Sunny and hot high around 90.

This can't be a day in the great northeast. We are in Florida. My daughter and I have been on vacation since Wednesay Tuesday September 14. That was the day that our long awaited vacation and cruise began. I am going to try to write about the vacation one day aqt a time probably one entry at a time.

Today was the first full day back from the cruise. I slept until 9. I didn't hear a sound coming from the kitchen and yet my cousin and her husband were up and had coffee already.

They are both retirement age but Derf the husband has a little sales job and Angie the wife stays at home. So after he was off to work Angie and I had the whole day ahead of us. My daughter slep until almost 11 and Angie and I just went out and ran some errands,.

We made a *buck's stop and now we are home to relax. Angie my daugher and I are very tired. Catching up from the lack of sleep on the cruise.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


This is the first time I have had a blog on the anniversary of 9/11. I know everyone will be remembering today. I have not political views on this I just want to document what was going on in my life on that day and how I remember it.

I was working at a major university in the city we live in now and my daughter was starting her freshmen year. It was probably the second week of classes, it was her first time living away from home and she was in turmoil about her curriculum. It's an engineering school and she was accepted into the engineering program. I was getting a full tuition benefit as an employee so she new she had not other option but to try to find a niche at this school. That was not happening. Even though we new she could do the work and the school new that too when they accepted her into the program, it was just not her thing. She was on the verge of dropping out when my best friend who also works there told me to send her to the Learning Center. I did and they immediately put her int he Business Management program. One of the best in the country. In the end she graduated with a 3.2 GPA and did very well.

We had a TV in the conference room in our office. The staff had just gone to another building for class. I get a call from the Vice President of the University. I should say here that the school had Air Force ROTC classes and I worked for the officers and enlisted men and women of the Air Force who were assigned to teach the classes. I was the only university employee there. Dr. P. says, where is your staff. I tell him that they all just went to a Leadership Lab in another building He said turn on the TV and have one of them call me ASAP. Luckily one of my staff walked in the door and the news unfolded before us. The school went into lock down and the students were sent to their dorm rooms. Needless to say it was not a very good start to an already rocky road ahead for my daughter's first year of college.

This is what I remember of this day, in addition to coming home and not being able to take our eyes off of the TV. Like I said I have no political views on this subject and I only wish that whoever did this to us will be found and punished.

My cousin's son had a girl friend going to school in Manhattan at the time. He and the girls father jumped in their car and drove all the way until they could go no further and then got out of the car and walked all the way into the city across one of the major bridges to get her and bring her home. The superintendent of the city schools where I live lost a son and a son in law in the towers. So I terrible thing. I can't even put into words how I feel.


Yesterday was a busy. I got up early to meet my daughter at the hair salon, she was going to have her hair lightened in streaks of light brown and a little red. She has been having her hair colored for so long we don't really know what color it was. So she is trying to get back to her roots. So she was going to be sitting waiting for color to happen for a while and she wanted some company. As it was the girl who doing her hair was alone in the salon until around 11 so she didn't need me to keep her company. I stopped in early for a minute or two and then went to the bank and *Bucks. Came back and we chatted while she finished and her girl waxed my eyebrows. We parted ways and I went and did a little more shopping for our vacation, two pair of pants and a top for $10.00. I hove this time of the year. Then I met my cousin Lois for lunch, we had a nice long lunch in a nice quite little diner in the town where she lives. Then I came home. Of curse my husband wanted to talk me out for dinner when he got home for lunch and I was in no way hungry. So we went to our quiet little restaurant on the lake and I had a bowl of Butternut Squash Sausage soup, it was delicious, but I couldn't finish it all.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


My cousin Lois was 80 years old on September 3rd. We had a party for her at my cousin Connie's house on Sunday of labor day weekend. It was a beautiful day, not too hot, not too cool and a nice breeze. No one was able to go in the water but we had a nice day.

Lois lost her parents a while ago. She doesn't have any brothers or sisters and I am the closest thing to a sister she has and she is the same for me. Even though she is as old as my father. She is more like a friend/sister than a parent/grandparent. We hang out together, shop and chat on the fun like best friends. I have told her many of my deepest thoughts and feelings and I don't know what I would have done without her many many times throughout my life. She loves chatting it up with my daughter and learning about the latest trends and hearing all about my daughter's work in a big corporation. She has been a real estate broker for many years and for a while I held a real estate sales license under her. We have had many stories to tell about the various homes we have sold over the years. Her father and my father were brothers. Her father was the oldest of the 10 and my father was the youngest, so the span in their ages explains the reasons she is so much older than me. She still owns her own Town House, a beautiful place that she has decorated to make for a very comfortable place to live.



It's very cool today. High of only about 67 with clouds. I love this kinds of weather though. It is my favorite time of the year.

OMG!!! It is already September 9th and I have not posted since Aug 31. The name of this post should be the same as the last "WHERE ARE THE DAYS GOING".

Today I had to get up early 6:30 AM to get to a dental appointment for 8:00 AM. It was for a cleaning and x-rays, a six month check. After that I came home and had my breakfast and then I called the chiropractor. I had a 2:00 PM appointment already on the books but I wanted to see if I could come earlier. They said 10:30 AM so I took it. And then I almost didn't make it. My cousin from Florida called. She was having trouble pre registering for the cruise we are leaving on one week from today. I had already pre registered so she knew I would be able to help her and then my neighbor wanted to chat. I left the house at 10:17 AM and just made it for 10:30.

After the appointment I decided to jump on the highway and go to the mall. There is a store in the mall where I like to buy my underwear and bras, and I thought it would be nice to have some new ones for my cruise. I stopped to see the daughter and picked up a gift for each of our cruise mates at her store. She works in a very well recognized lingerie store that carries bath products. So I got each of our cruise mates an after bath spray/mist. Seven different fragrances so they will each get a different one.

Then I took a quick trip to our new Fresh Market store. I experienced this new store last week with my daughter and I will tell you that whoever designed the layout and visuals for this store was a genius. It is like walking into a something that was made just to stimulate your eyes. The colors, the smells just wonderful. A little expensive for my taste but you can't help wanting to take all of it home. Today I got some chicken breasts already cooked. Some bulk candy and nuts, fresh baked bread and pot stickers. The pot stickers or won tons are already cooked just read to be warmed up in either the microwave or pan seared. I got them last week when my daughter and I shopped there and they were delicious.

After that I came home and had a bowl of soup and some of my neighbors homemade zucchini bread.

Yes my cruise is getting close. Today when I went shopping I got a couple of more things that were on sale to pack. We fly from home to Ft Lauderdale on Tuesday morning Sep 14. Stay with my cousin Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday a limo will pick all 9 of us up in Ft Lauderdale and take us to Miami. We will Cruise out of Miami on Thursday night. A stop in Key West and Cozumel and then bake to Miami Monday. We will stay with my cousin Monday-Wednesday and fly home on Thursday. I am excited I can't wait. After such a stressful summer it will be nice to get away.

Of all things my neighbor has decided to have her great granddaughter baptized on Sunday and she is planning this big party. I just don't have too much time to spare to help her out. I will do the best I can.

I can't believe my brother is gone almost 3 months already. I miss him terribly and I can't even describe the feelings I have when I am alone or driving my car by myself. My heart aches and I want to cry. When there are people around it is easy to forget. But I don't want to forget.